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Our policies, our standards


CuanTec is committed to operating to the highest standards of performance and integrity, in line with the expectations from customers and society.  Here you can see our policies , our external accreditation and our support to the UN Sustainable Development Goals ((UNSDG).


The evolution is constant and we will not stand still as we develop, manufacture and export high value and unique Chitosan products.


Our policies

Here you will see our current policies.  We will continue to add more to demonstrate our commitment to the highest standards of business behaviour.

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Our standards

It is important to us that we can be held accountable, externally, to our processes and procedures.  We are therefore delighted to have been externally accredited for the following


ISO 9001: Quality Management 

ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard for quality management, which helps us improve our performance, meet

customer expectations and demonstrate our commitment to quality.


ISO 14001: Environmental Management  

ISO 14001 is the internationally recognized standard for environmental management systems (EMS). It provides a 

framework for organizations to design and implement an EMS, and continually improve their environmental performance.

By adhering to this standard, CuanTec can ensure it is taking proactive measures to minimize our environmental footprint,

comply with relevant legal requirements, and achieve our environmental objectives.


ISO 45001: occupational health and safety (OH&S) management 

ISO 45001 is an international standard that specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S)

management system. It provides a framework for CuanTec to manage risks and improve OH&S performance. The standard

establishes criteria for an OH&S policy, objectives, planning, implementation, operation, auditing and review. Key elements

include leadership commitment, worker participation, hazard identification and risk assessment, legal and regulatory

compliance, emergency planning, incident investigation and continual improvement.






​​​​​​​​​​​​                                                   Halal Certification​


                                                   Halal certification applies to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors and attests that a product is manufactured in                                                       full compliance with the precepts of Islamic Law, that it does not include any “forbidden” components, and has in no                                                             way been in contact with any substances or objects considered “impure”.



Our contributions in support of the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs)















​​​​​​CuanTec, at its heart, is a company based upon being a contributor to reducing environmental damage, while also suppliyng products which will make an environmental and societal contribution.  One way to look at this is in terms of CuanTec’s contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


​                         SDG 3- Good Health and Well being

​​                         CuanTec’s Chitosan has extensive applications in the biomedical sphere, where chitosan-based products are powerful haemostats (stop                               bleeding) while also having beneficial abd natural antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal effects.  Advanced use of Chitosan also                                   adds drug delivery where the pharmaceutical action is complemented by Chitosan’s natural biocompatability and biodegradability.


                          SDG 6. Clean water and sanitation

                            CuanTec’s Chitosan, due to its natural and powerful positive charge, has a strong flocculating effect in the water and wastewater                                          treatment process.  Flocculation is the process to remove suspended solids from water, as an early part of the waste water treatment                                    process.


                          SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth 

                            CuanTec takes an unused byproduct of the shellfish industry and upcycles it into a valuable and productive ingredient to the water                                      purification and biomedical industries.  Cuantec’s jobs are science based and depend on a close understanding of Biochemistry, while                                its purchase of feedstock also helps support the more traditional shell fishing industry.


                           SDG 9:  Industry, innovation and Infrastructure 

                             CuanTec’s activities are based upon expert scientific innovation to develop and manufacture Chitosan products, which not only use the                               specific natural benefits of Chitosan, but which also replace fossil-fuel-based alternatives.  Innovation activities also look to develop the                               most efficient and effective form of Chitosan, for the water purification and biomedical efficacy- cleaner, better water, faster and                                           cheaper; biomedical products which improve people’s lives faster and cheaper.


                           SDG 12; Responsible Consumption and Production

                             CuanTec uses, as its main feedstock/ingredient, the unwanted “raw shell” byproduct from the shellfishing industry.  CuanTec, through                                 its use of the raw shell, prevents the shell being disposed of.  CuanTec upcycles this byproduct.  To meet and set industry standards,                                   CuanTec also sets the standard for traceability and provenance for the shell- this ensures appropriate reporting and improving                                             standards for the fishing (such as the claws and shells no longer being thrown overboard during the fishing itself).  


                           SDG 13:  Climate Action 

                             CuanTec is still in the early phase of its establishment as a business, but its ambition is to be end-to-end carbon negative and to ensure                               that it is a contributor to the Net Zero challenge.  It has started this journey by the application of expert science to upcycle a feedstock,                               which is often just sent to landfill or to low value energy creation.  It is now selling products, which use nature’s inherent qualities at a                                   molecular level to improve people’s lives.  As it grows in scale, it looks to provide green alternatives to current fossil-fuel based                                             products.


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ISO accredited; 9001, 14001, 45001
Read our Privacy Policy and Sale Terms & Conditions.

Registered in Scotland No. SC531370 – Registered Office: c/o Bell Barr, 2 Stewart Street, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 6BW

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